- Dr. phil. nat. in Physics, MPI of Biophysics and Goethe University Frankfurt, 2019
- M.Sc. in Physics, University of Stuttgart, 2014
- B.Sc. in Physics, University of Konstanz, 2011
Work Experience
- since 2022: Senior Scientist, Schrödinger, Inc.
- Department of Life Science Software
- 2019-2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford University
- Department of Computer Science, Prof. Ron Dror
- 2014-2019: Doctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
- Department of Theoretical Biophysics, Prof. Gerhard Hummer
2014: Scientific Assistant, ICP, University of Stuttgart
2013-2014: Working Student, Daimler AG
2011-2013: Student Research Assistant, IMWF, University of Stuttgart
- 2009-2012: Advisor, Student Research Centre (SFZ) Bad Saulgau
- Best Paper Award at the NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track for “ATOM3D: Tasks on Molecules in Three Dimensions” (November 2021), also see the blog post.
- ACBioSim Poster Prize, third place out of 98 posters at the EMBO workshop “Advances and Challenges in Biomolecular Simulations” in Brno, Czechia (virtual) for the poster “Systematic comparison of biomolecular structural ensembles via mutual information” (October 2021).
- Walter Greiner Award for best doctoral thesis 2019/2020 at the physics department of Goethe University Frankfurt.
- EMBO long-term fellowship for my work at Stanford University from July 2019 to June 2021.
- Participation in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting. 580 young scientists from 88 countries were selected to come to Lindau and to meet 39 Nobel Laureates from 30 June to 5 July 2019.
- Best Poster Award at at the Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 4 (BDBDB4) for the poster "Diffusion of Proteins and Lipids in Membranes Corrected for Finite-Size Effects" (April 2018).
- Best Poster Award, Macromolecules Workshop, Hünfeld for the poster "Role of Lipids in Membrane Docking and Pore Formation of Pneumolysin" (April 2018).
- Award for the best oral contribution at Third Infinity (Conference on Physics of Biology and Complex Systems) in Göttingen. Title of the talk: “Correction of Finite-Size Effects on Diffusion in Lipid Membrane Simulations” (October 2017).
- Best Student Poster Award at PRACE days 2017 in Barcelona for the poster "Finite-Size Effects on the Dynamics in Simulations of Lipid Membranes" (May 2017)
- Best Talk Award at the Jubilee Congress "10 Years of jDPG" in Dresden (October 2016).
Service and Leadership
- Co-founded the regional student chapter of the German Physical Society in Fall 2014 and served as its first chairperson until 2018.
- Served as Ph.D. Student Representative at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics from 2015 to 2018.
- Active in the Max Planck PhDNet Survey Team, conducting a survey on working conditions among the doctoral researchers in the Max Planck Society.